Total: $300

Friday April 19, 2024

Booking for: Friday

Skating time: 6pm - 11pm


How many guests will be skating?

How many will NOT be Skating?

Total Participants: 10

EXPLANATION: You may add skaters up to 9 on top of the package. Once you hit the next 10 you must upgrade your package. You may add skaters at any time up to the day of the party, however sooner is always better. If someone else books a party and takes up the last available space, it may be difficult to add numbers to your party. We do not charge for non-skaters nor do we provide any additional features for them, however we use this number to monitor room capacity.

Package Includes:

  • 2 - 16" pizzas
  • 2 - 64oz pitchers
  • 10 - Ice creams
  • 10 - Skater Bands
  • 12* - Picnic Table Seats
  • * Picnic seating - More could squeeze in
  • 1 - Balloon Bouquets
  • Complementary water
  • Utensils, Plates, Napkins
  • Candles and lighter

Added on:

Package: $300

+ Add ons: $0
Total: $300